Friday, February 9, 2018

Recipe Box: Sunshine Wake-Up Cleansing Juice

Sunshine Wake-Up Cleansing Juice
Ready in 10 minutes
Serves 1 person
Helps with weight loss, cravings, and cleansing. Can be ingested daily.  
  • 4 Cuties Oranges
  • 3 Large Carrots
  • 1 Large (fist size) Apple
  • 1 Cup White Seedless Grapes
  • 1 Small (pinky nail) slice of fresh Ginger


  1. Slice and chop fruit to fit into a blender or juicer.
  2. Run all fruits and vegetables through the juicer.
  3. Mix the juice gently with a spoon.


Juice the carrots first and the grapes last. It will help to blend the juice a bit easier as it goes into the glass.
Do this juice daily and fresh. It does loose it's kick if you mix it for the week or even a few days ahead of time.

Add a liquid vitamin to boost the mix even more.